Donald Jrump has destroyed Earth & there's hell toupee

With his work now done, help him flee to make the galaxy great again!

Four kiwis, 12 weeks and an idea for their first game  – what could go wrong? Constantly intrigued by the international shit-storm that is the 2016 US election, A group of four guys from New Zealand took it upon themselves to portray the madness in game form. What started as a small scale project to see if a studio consisting of two designers and one consisting of two developers could work well together, quickly spiraled into a lot more.




The idea is simple: The year is 2017. Following Donald Jrump's successful bid at the 2016 US election, international borders have closed up, global warming research has halted and brick sales have increased at a staggering rate. With the world now in utter chaos and his tiny hands growing increasingly sweaty, it's time for Donald to leave to make the Galaxy great again. How? By jumping on his favorite things in the world... Walls!


The game puts you in the shoes of earth's 'hero', Donald Jrump. Standing in front of multiple American landmarks (Wallytown D.C, Lost Vegas, New Dork and Follywood) players must swipe to create brick walls for Donald to jump on. As the last one breaks away, another must be drawn to help him continue his mission into the galaxy. On the way up you will navigate around Mexicans, global warming scientists, jetpack strapped politicians and even aliens. So what's your goal? Unlock new characters, climb the leaderboard and make the galaxy great again!

donald@jrump.com     .

© Jrump 2016

DISCLAIMER: For humor/satirical purposes only. Not to be taken seriously. Reference to any celebrity or other person does not constitute or imply sponsorship, endorsement, or recommendation.